Athens Games Festival Postmortem

Hello everyone!
We have attended Athens Games Festival on the passed weekend. And it was Amazing!
It was not just first time when we showcased our game Upheaval but also our first EXPO.
Overall, it was an amazing experience and we received a lot of feedback. But the most important thing is the positive emotions of the players, which give us the strength to continue developing!

And we want to tell you what we have learnt from it:

1) You can't do it alone, there must be at least two people at stand at once.

2) Buy matte posters! As you can see our poster is glowing too much.

3) If you want to reuse your posters use them on stand, double tape is one time solution.

4) Make a schedule in advance and know who is where

5) You must take big screen to show gameplay, most of people can't play the game they want to watch first.

6) Double check your laptop and demo. We had technical issues because tested everything only once.

7) Use some personal touch to be remembered For example our business card was hexagon form and people wanted to take it.

8) Have some hooks to get visitors (use some handcrafted stuff or cookies, everyone loves cookies)

You can not imagine how tired we are after these two days, but it worthed it! Feeling when someone plays your game is not transferable and charges you with positive energy and determination to continue development. We recommend everyone to go to any event, even on a local scale!

 Now is the time to continue development as we must follow our development roadmap!


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